Introducing BioAktiva

"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Why BioAktiva?

The BioAktiva product range of biostimulants and soil conditioner is a unique natural-origin organic sapropel complex. The complex contains more than 40 different organic, organic-mineral, and inorganic compounds, such as enzymes, amino acids, proteins, organic acids, and trace elements. All those elements beneficially impact the plant development system and soil biotope.

Sapropel products used as an organic agricultural input increase soil fertility and improve soil agrochemical properties. They also re-establish the natural processes in the soil which guarantee nutritious and increased harvests.

Competitive Advantages

Our Goal 

To help our clients increase their farming productivity by providing 100% natural, innovative, regenerative technologies and  solutions as well as addressing the challenges of modern, sustainable, ecologically balanced agricultural methods.


The Source 

100% Natural Origin Regenerative Sapropel from Baltic Lakes 

Sapropel is a natural organic raw material of colloidal structure formed on the bottom of Baltic freshwater lakes over thousands of years out of fauna and flora residues.

What is Sapropel?

Sapropel fertilizer is a natural, organic fertilizer made from the remains of ancient aquatic organisms. It is rich in organic matter, minerals, and trace elements, making it an ideal fertilizer for a variety of plants. Sapropel fertilizer is especially beneficial for plants that require a lot of nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits, and flowers. It helps to improve soil structure, increase water retention, and promote healthy root growth. Sapropel fertilizer is also known for its ability to reduce soil acidity, which can help to reduce the risk of plant diseases. Additionally, it can help to reduce the amount of fertilizer needed for a given crop, making it an economical choice for farmers.

What is Soil Fertility?

Soil fertility is the ability of a soil to sustain agricultural plant growth, i.e. to provide plant habitat and result in sustained and consistent yields of high quality. It is the measure of the ability of soil to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate amounts and proportions for plant growth and reproduction.

Why is Soil Fertility so Important?

Soil fertility is important because it affects the growth and health of plants. Healthy soil is essential for growing healthy crops, which in turn provide food and other resources for humans and animals. Soil fertility also helps to maintain the balance of nutrients in the environment, which is important for the health of the entire ecosystem.


BioAktiva Sapropel Biostimulant Products

Significantly increase yield

Increase crop yield between 12 - 55 %, crop dependant.

Strengthen plant immunity

Decrease expenditure on pesticides and insecticides due to the increased resistance to pests and diseases though plant wall thickening.

Extract the authenticity of taste & appearance

An opportunity for specialising in niche crops and heirloom varieties.

Active up to 12 times longer 

Active in the soil 12 times longer versus alternatives.

Boost root development

Stimulate the creation of a strong and branching root system, especially the tertiary roots, which in turn leads to an increase in green mass and in crop yield.

Optimise fertilization budget

Increase chemical and mineral fertilizer assimilation by up to 40 %, hence less quantity is required.

Stimulate & regenerate the soil

Reduce extremely degraded and eroded soil recovery periods from 5 to 3 years.

Natural chelator & organic sorbent

Increase soil buffer capacity, which leads to reduced water consumption by no less than 15-20 %.

Our Products

Our universal product for boosting plant growth and enhancing soil efficiency. This product can be used simultaneously with mineral fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides, increasing their effectiveness. The product is recommended to be used 7 days after the application of pesticides in order to reduce plant stress.

The product can be used by all types of equipment and all types of irrigation systems. Dilute 1:400.

NPK: 6.5 - 0 - 12 % (w/w)

+40 Macro & Micro-elements

C: 35 %

Humic Acids: 72%

Fulvic Acids: 28%

Pack Size: 40mL, 1L, 20L, 1000L

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An excellent choice for biochemical processes activation, improving mineralization of organic residuals and improving mineral elements deposit bioavailability. Apply once before planting and once during rest periods.

This product can be used simultaneously with mineral fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides, increasing their effectiveness. The product is recommended to be used 7 days after the application of herbicides in order to reduce plant stress. The product can be used by all types of equipment and all types of irrigation systems. Dilute 1:200.

NPK: 9.5 - 0 - 12 % (w/w)

+40 Macro & Micro-elements

C: 35 %

Amino Acids 7%

Pack size: 1L, 20L, 1000L

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Our product for boosting plant growth and enhancing soil efficiency in misting applications. This product can be used simultaneously with mineral fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides, increasing their effectiveness. The product is recommended to be used 7 days after the application of herbicides in order to reduce plant stress.

The product can be used by all types of equipment and all types of irrigation systems with 150 micron nozzle sizes (filtered to 100 micron during production). Dilute 1:200

NPK: 3 - 0 - 6 % (w/w)

C: 17.5 %

Pack Size: 1L, 20L, 1000L

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Our product for boosting plant growth and enhancing soil efficiency in fine fogging applications. This product can be used simultaneously with mineral fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides, increasing their effectiveness. The product is recommended to be used 7 days after the application of herbicides in order to reduce plant stress.

The product can be used by all types of equipment and all types of irrigation systems with 100 micron nozzle sizes (filtered to 75 micron during production). Dilute 1:100

NPK: 2.2 - 0 - 3 % (w/w)

C: 8.8 %

Pack Size: 1L, 20L, 1000L

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The product is used for a comprehensive and accelerated restoration of soil productivity, for its point restoration of fertility (under the root), or for the restoration of the rhizosphere of perennial shrubs or trees. The product is great for creating a growing environment in greenhouses.

The product is recommended to be used during pre-sowing preparation of the soil or growth medium, or when planting or re-planting plants, or at the beginning of the growing season (for perennial bushes or trees).

NPK: 3 - 0 - 0 % (m/m)

C: 45 +/- 3% (m/m)

Total amino Acids 4.5%

pH: 6.5

Pack size: 50L bag, 2500L bulk bag

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Product Benefits

Numerous field tests in Europe have proven the huge benefits of BioAktiva's sapropel regenerative soil amendment when compared to other applications on plants and soil.

On the macro-level, BioAktiva organic sapropel soil amendment restores the natural carbon cycle that has been damaged by prolonged synthetic fertiliser use. By increasing organic matter, BioAktiva's regenerative sapropel soil amendment neutralises salinity of the soil caused by the accumulation of non-assimilated synthetic fertilisers in the soil.

On the micro-level, BioAktiva's regenerative sapropel soil amendment increases microbial factory activity which in turn restores natural, efficient soil fertility and greatly enhances plants’ nutrient assimilation efficiency.

BioAktiva's sapropel soil amendment improves the natural taste and colour of fruit and increases the size by up to 30% which all contribute to higher market values.

With ever-increasing awareness about toxic chemicals used extensively in modern agriculture, more people are willing to pay higher prices for organically produced food.

Independent field trials prove that the subsequent increased quality and yield of crops, factored by the application rate of BioAktiva's regenerative sapropel soil activator/bio-stimulant, significantly improves the farmer’s return on investment.

By using BioAktiva products farm workers and local communities are not exposed to toxic synthetic agricultural chemicals. Those who come in contact with pesticides have higher risk of neurological diseases. The greater the exposure of farmers to those chemicals during their lifetime, the more likely they are to suffer from a variety of health problems ranging from headaches, fatigue to memory loss.

One of the main benefits of organic farming for farmers is the opportunity to diversify cultivated products.

Unlike conventional farming which is heavily reliant upon commodity crops such as corn and soybeans, regenerative farmers have more opportunities to grow specialty varieties of crops that can be sold for a higher price.

Healthy plants that are naturally grown in healthy soils are more resistant to pests and diseases. Plants become naturally stronger and develop their defiance mechanisms when grown in the optimum conditions with the right amount of available nutrients and a balanced pH level.

Restoring the activity of microbial factories increases the number of complex compounds that serve to keep carbon, organic nitrogen and water in the soil. This is especially vital in water scarce regions.

BioAktiva regenerative soil activator/bio-stimulant products are certified under European regulation EC 834/2007 and American Regulation NOP (National Organic Program) which simplifies the process of Global GAP certification.

Bespoke formulations are available to cater for your specific needs.

Our technology is based on the use of biomimetic principles creating products with active ingredients that are highly polarised. We have developed unique methods of cavitation and ionization which allow us to produce highly polarised molecules of natural origin without creating temperatures higher than 39 degrees Celsius. This enables us to preserve the activity of a host of beneficial enzymes and proteins inherent in the source material. Our production process omits the need for heating, which means we do not emit CO2.

The process of extracting sapropel not only helps to create our unique product but restores the biotope of the freshwater lakes from which it’s sourced, preventing them from drying out.

The fundamental differences between peat and lignin-derived Humic substances with those derived from sapropel:

  • The origin of peat and lignin-derived humic substances are determined primarily by cellulose and lignin. Consequently, their molecules (or fragments) contain significant quantities of components with aromatic (benzoic) nuclear structures, which are characterised by hydrophobic properties (repels water).
  • The molecules of BioAktiva Sapropelic humic substances contain very little aromatic (benzoic) nuclear structures.
  • A specific type of humic substance forms in sapropel, originating from the plankton, vegetative and animal organisms. Its origin is determined by carbons and proteins.
  • Humic substances with such molecular structures possess high physiological activity and have a very good ability to form complexes with metal ions (chelating).
  • The percentage of Amino acids in Humic and Fulvic acids derived from Sapropel are 200% to 300% higher than that of the corresponding acids formed on land (peat & lignin-based).
  • With Sapropel, highly hydrolysable substances can be easily mobilised and included in the carbohydrates cycle (soil - microorganisms - plant - soil).

Agricultural use of soils mainly consume the aliphatic components of the soil. This results in the proportional decrease of labile (easy mobilised, active) organic parts of humus and in a relative increase in its inertial parts, which consequently decreases soil fertility - Therefore, the replenishment of the soil active organic substances should come from sources that contain relevant components - Sapropel-based Humic substances can serve as such a source because of the aliphatic part which dominates in their molecular structure.

Fertilisers based on peat, brown coal, oxidised bituminous coal and lignin:

  • have less adhesion to seeds and plants and less affinity with their cellular membranes than Sapropelic. For this reason and because of the high molecular weight, they are less able to penetrate plant cells.
    are poorer in biologically active substances than those based on sapropel and Vermicomposting - (amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, phytohormones, etc.)
  • are highly resistant to biodegradation and therefore can accumulate in the soil as part of stable (inactive) humus.
  • the time of their half-decay are hundreds of years.

  • Stimulates the creation of a strong and branching root system, especially the tertiary roots, which in turn leads to an increase in green mass and in crop yield.
  • Stimulates the production of root exudates, thus enriching the soil microbiota.
  • Due to its chelating ability, releases phosphate molecules associated with iron, aluminium, magnesium and calcium, followed by chelation of these molecules, thereby making them available to the plant.
  • Increases permeability of plant’s cell membranes, thus, contributes to the perception of nutrients. Increase in permeability has a selective nature in favour of elements essential for the plant (100x for potassium, compared with other elements (10x for sodium).
  • Promotes assimilation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and prevents the formation of nitrates.
  • Helps reducing the shortage of iron and prevents the appearance of chlorosis in plants.
  • Increases the efficiency of enzymes that are responsible for respiration and synthesis of sugar, protein and chlorophyll.
  • Increases the plant’s resistance to diseases, pests and adverse weather conditions.
  • Increases the content of vitamins and minerals in plants.
  • Stimulates plant growth by accelerating cell division thanks to the components contained in them, such as humic acids, fulvic acids, hymatomelanic acids, amino acids, pectins, carboxylic acids and mono sugars etc.
  • Raises nutritional value of the crop, improves their trade dress.
  • BioAktiva products and their main components can be absorbed by the leaves of the plants as well as by their roots.
  • Humic acids contained in BioAktiva products intensify the synthesis of nucleic acids. This is important for the strengthening of plants since all forms of nucleic acids are involved in protein synthesis.
  • Cation C14 contained in BioAktiva products regulate important physiological processes in plants, being one of the elements boosting high plant immunity to adverse environmental factors. Contains a wide range of essential micronutrients (+/- 50), as well as many useful microorganisms.
  • Once applied to the plant it reaches the chlorophyll grains in the leaves, intensifies the perception of ultraviolet rays and by doing so, accelerates the process of photosynthesis.
  • As a result of aforementioned factors BioAktiva products raise crop yield above 20%.

  • Participates in the formation of soil structure, enhances microbiota activation by 200%.
  • Decreases the loss of water and nutrients in light sandy soils, helping to enrich such soils with humus.
  • Loosens heavy clay soils, thereby improves the oxygen supply of the soil and improves the workability of the soil. Protects soil biota, preserves a vegetative cover in case of any occurrence of extreme weather situations.
  • Counteracts soil crust covering and erosion due to increased ability to bind colloids.
  • Improves soil ability to conserve water, ergo its resistance to drought optimises the balance of water by improving soil granulometric composition Increases complex compounds that extend the lifespan of organic nitrogen and water in the soil.
  • Acts as a pH balancer in both acidic and alkali soils.
  • Acts as a chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and thus creates the possibility of their perception by the roots.
  • Bonds soluble non-organic fertilisers in the root zones and reduces nutrient loss.
  • Has an extremely high capacity for cation exchange. Helps to transform NPK nutrients and other trace elements into a form in which they are available for the plants.
  • Binds heavy metals and radionuclides, preventing their penetration into the plant.
  • Promotes the decomposition of the remains of the pesticides and other harmful metabolites, which leads to a reduction of chemical load on the soil.
  • Helps to reduce salinity by up to 20% per season by converting mineral nutrient deposits into a bioavailable form by supplying enzymes.
  • Reduces the amount of non-decomposed organic residuals by up to 15%.
  • Increases the decomposition of organic residuals by activating microbial factory activity by normalizing pH level, supplying water-soluble and humified organic carbon, sugars, enzymes and proteins.

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